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Sekiro Video Game Content and the Time My Underwear Got Ripped at a Bar

I was probably mid-20s going "back "home as they say when some friends and I casually met up at a local watering hole. We ran into a few old classmates and shared some stories, talked about life, wives, kids, lack thereof, and had some good times. I think at some point I had a Red Bull and vodka because I'm secretly a woman and can't handle liquor unless it's diluted at some point. Sekiro Video Game Content Impressions I've honestly never played a Dark Souls  game, so I was certain I'd be in for a treat with Sekiro.  The only problem is that treat was a chocolate-covered turd. Oh dear lord I must have fought one single boss early on in the game like 20 times before I finally had my one moment of zen in the sun after defeating him. And then, there's this moment: When a large black cock assaults you and knocks half of your health away, you know you're in for a very interesting time. Aside from video game content , I visited the bathroom...

Re-signing up for the Twitch Affiliate Program and Twitch Schedule Changes

For the past two and a half years, employment has been an unsteady situation for me. I was scared at times because I wasn't sure if I could actually make a living. Being torn between finding a career that fits your interests and settling in something that makes you a living isn't an easy position. I've faced it multiple times and have even changed interests over time. Originally, I was set on motion picture. Then I was set on a career in gaming. And now, I find myself making a living doing marketing--not dealing with subject matter I care about, but I enjoy the work and I get to come home to do what I want. It's a scary thing to realize that you don't have enough money to make rent and so you have to swallow your pride and do what you must in order to pull yourself out of the darkness. It's not fun. I used to go out almost nightly, hit bar after bar after bar until finally, I realized that way of living wasn't sustainable anymore. I had to scale back and re...

2018 in Review: A Reflection on Twitch Streaming and the Videogame Industry

I'm not going to lie to you. This year has been probably the worst year for me in terms of gaming. We've seen a lot of industry shifts happen that are pointing towards a constant reminder: video game companies are corporations. They produce product that people will buy, and if that doesn't happen the company dies. Often times, products aren't what the players want, or perhaps the product isn't a very strong one. Regardless, we must remember that there isn't a thing called a "good" corporation. They just exist for money, and it's a harsh thought as our generation, the people that grew up with these game companies, starts to see our favorite pastime turn into product. As we move into 2019, I'm reflecting on a lot in this post—why I haven't streamed on Twitch or Mixer lately, what I'm dealing with personally, where games might be going in the future and some terrible incidents that have definitely marred gaming. Let me be clear that I...

Some Advice with Streaming on Mixer and the Time I Called the Police to Earn Money

A lovely Xbox controller and a few games. When you're a kid, often times you'll think a lot will change when you age (as it does). I was probably about 8 when I had an incident I was sure I would forget. Nature, unfortunately, doesn't favor our wishes, and instead, this memory stuck with me—at least for the better, currently. It was one boring Tuesday (or any random day, Tuesday just feels right) when I saw one of those commercials about "making more money." They start off with the very deceptive line of "Do you wanna make more money? Sure, we all  do." And my brain starts to think. Why, YES! I DO want to make more money! The rest of the commercial, which was about earning degrees and certificates in specialized areas, went through one ear and out of the other. Streaming Video Games on Mixer When it comes to streaming on Mixer , there are some different things you need to be aware of. First off, the development of the platform goes in a dif...

Streaming Video Games as a Business and the Time God Punished Me for Masturbation

Not my stream setup, although similar in many ways. I was probably 16 when I devoted a lot of time and effort ( wasted  would be a better term) to Christianity. There were numerous problems with that, however, and one of them stemmed from my problem with self-pleasure. Yep, I constantly choked my chicken, and being religious didn't exactly match up with my love for cleaning the one-eyed snake monster south of Los Pantalones. Running a Business out of Streaming Video Games So, if you're trying to run a business out of streaming video games , it's not easy. It takes your time, your energy, and sometimes your social life. I know plenty of people who spend 70 hours a week trying to maintain their business, and they see shaky results. Content creation's biggest challenges are to bring people in, retain viewership, and then get them to click that sub button—and keep it. One of the biggest ways that I practice influence in the digital age is by constantly keeping up o...

The Mothers' Day from Hell and Common Twitch Streaming Software

Common Twitch Streaming Software with some Mothers' Day Shenanigans It was around 2001-ish when we had a Mothers' Day celebration at my old house in Florida. This was before my grandmother passed, so it was my immediate family and her celebrating together. I loved my grandmother, but at times my family and I wondered about her mental state. Often times she would go to the grocery store and pick up the handheld scanner gun, look directly at the laser, and ask if it was hers. She was loved, albeit a little bit loose upstairs. This Mothers' Day was no different. I remember we ordered fried chicken from some restaurant around the corner, and mid-way through the meal she started coughing and vomiting up the chicken. My dad went to help her, and the rest of the family vacated the dining room table because vomit. If you're streaming video games via Twitch , generally there are two programs you'll want to consider. XSplit is my favorite. OBS is not my favorite...

Meeting People from Adult Friend Finder in Person--at a Christian Meetup

It was probably 2004 when I decided to take the leap and purchase a subscription to Adult Friend Finder. Yep, I did it. It wasn't very expensive and I got to contact women that might also be interested in a possible wham-bam-GG-ma'am. I was at Florida State University at the time and love—or some version of it—was in the air. So sure, I'll sign up for a year. 30 bucks wasn't too much damage for some shenanigans. At that time, I was also a Christian. Shocker, I know. I'll admit, one of the most attractive things for me when attending a church was the women, and what better reason to explore the churches and Christian meetups in the area? I was all for praising Jesus and getting a girl to scream the Lord's name between the sheets. Man is naturally sinful, so have fun before you get sent to hell, you know? Streaming Video Games Via Twitch: Remaining Ethical Sometimes when you try to attain your dreams, you make enemies. It's a fact. I can remember readi...