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Showing posts from September, 2022

How to Prepare For your First Convention

 I'll admit that I'm no expert at conventions, although I've had my fair share to understand what are the "dos" and "not-dos." I've had somewhere around 30 under my belt, including E3, TwitchCon , BlizzCon, MLG, IndieCade, Playstation Experience, Gamestop Expo, and even some renewable energy conventions. Some of these I've attended as a journalist, some I've attended as an exhibitor, and others I've just attended personally. The intents of attending a convention generally determine what you'll bring with you and other details, but as a whole I think that this can suffice as a guide for how to prepare for your first convention. Preparing For Your First Convention: What to Do and What Not To Do Water--And Very Little Else My absolute worst mistake when I attended my first E3 was immediately going for an energy drink.  Often times outside of a gaming con there will be Bang, Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar vendors just giving out cold cans a...