I was probably mid-20s going "back "home as they say when some friends and I casually met up at a local watering hole. We ran into a few old classmates and shared some stories, talked about life, wives, kids, lack thereof, and had some good times. I think at some point I had a Red Bull and vodka because I'm secretly a woman and can't handle liquor unless it's diluted at some point. Sekiro Video Game Content Impressions I've honestly never played a Dark Souls game, so I was certain I'd be in for a treat with Sekiro. The only problem is that treat was a chocolate-covered turd. Oh dear lord I must have fought one single boss early on in the game like 20 times before I finally had my one moment of zen in the sun after defeating him. And then, there's this moment: When a large black cock assaults you and knocks half of your health away, you know you're in for a very interesting time. Aside from video game content , I visited the bathroom...
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