Not my stream setup, although similar in many ways. I was probably 16 when I devoted a lot of time and effort ( wasted would be a better term) to Christianity. There were numerous problems with that, however, and one of them stemmed from my problem with self-pleasure. Yep, I constantly choked my chicken, and being religious didn't exactly match up with my love for cleaning the one-eyed snake monster south of Los Pantalones. Running a Business out of Streaming Video Games So, if you're trying to run a business out of streaming video games , it's not easy. It takes your time, your energy, and sometimes your social life. I know plenty of people who spend 70 hours a week trying to maintain their business, and they see shaky results. Content creation's biggest challenges are to bring people in, retain viewership, and then get them to click that sub button—and keep it. One of the biggest ways that I practice influence in the digital age is by constantly keeping up o...
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