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Losing Your Hair? Try This.

Hey! Just wanted to take a moment to talk about something I like. My own hair.

If you are streaming video games via twitch, check out this hair loss product line!
This is not me by the way, but thanks to this dude.

You probably don't like my hair. Similarly, I also don't like yours, if you're a dude. My guess is you are a dude, and if that's the case, you probably want to keep your hair!

I started balding at 20 years old. Yeah, it's all the rage now. The hairline starts to recede, your head gets these tiny little spots where the sun likes to shine, and you get a little self-conscious about it. I would know, I've been streaming video games for 5 years and I love playing with my hair on stream. Ask anyone that's frequented my channel, and they'll tell you I do some funky shit with my hair. It's a bit of a gag kind of thing because I'll just sit there and do some Flock of Seagulls crap with it, but ultimately I can be self-conscious about it and I hate it.

So, I decided one day I would try something out. I've done Rogaine in the past and that was weird, rubbing some foam on top of my head and then washing my hands thoroughly (lest something else would grow hair, and I don't want that to happen). I've also tried Ovation which just seemed like extremely expensive shampoo. It smelled fantastic, but it was over 100 dollars a month and I wasn't exactly sure of what it did for me.

So years went by after foams and shampoos. Every day I would see strand after strand after strand fall from my head, and I was actually getting very anxious over it. I'd oftentimes gather a bunch of strands from my hair at my desk at work and just count them daily. I think the most in one day I counted 17 strands of hair. Do the math, it can add up quick. Stress causes hair loss, which causes get the idea. I wasn't really sure what to try next.

And then one day I tried forhims.

forhims Actually Works, and I Use It!

I was really skeptical at first. There's a telehealth session you need to go through since the subscription actually includes medicine. Plus, there's the shampoo and vitamins. I was just not sure if it would do anything.

I decided I would just forge ahead and stick through it like gamers do. Whenever I talk to people about streaming video games via twitch, I hear the exact same things over and over: consistency. Sticking to a schedule. Not giving up. Moving forward, each and every day. We're practically running a business in our own homes!

So with that, I kept that same mindset. Keep trying it. Push forward, and things will finally happen. Stick to a schedule of taking the pill, eating the vitamins, and using the shampoo. Let's do it.

And one day I was just consciously checking my hair. HOLY CRAP, I HAVE MORE HAIR!


And I felt about 10 years younger. And I still continue to keep to my schedule every day, take one pill, eat one vitamin, use some shampoo every day. I've seen more results recently, and I'm happy I chose this option for my hair.

So if you would like to try it out, this link will get you a full box for just 5 dollars and you can cancel it if you'd prefer.

Thanks, and see you on stream!

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