I'm kind of in awe. About two years ago, I attended a Twitch Los Angeles Meetup in Burbank. Back then it was still named Twitch Hollywood. But I knew I wanted to be a part of this because it was all about Twitch, video game livestreaming , and enjoying ourselves as gamers. Our last event, Saturday February 8th, was one of the best events I've ever been a part of. Small enough that plenty of folks knew each other, but large enough that we got deserved attention. Red Bull , Voodoo Ranger Beer , Need for Kneading , Twickle , artists, all sorts of companies came out. It was a fantastic night. We had a wonderful venue, the Hungarian Cultural Arts Center in Los Angeles. There were a few mishaps with moving in, but thankfully we were able to clear out whatever the previous guests were doing. Which strangely had to do with setting a bathtub on fire. People lined up around the block after parking about a mile away. We didn't think we'd get the attention ...
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