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Showing posts with the label Amazon Luna

The Future of Videogames: What will it look like?

 What Will the Future of Videogames Look Like? This isn't a new question by any stretch. I'm reminded jokingly of the Playstation 9 commercial which was a very tongue-in-cheek commercial for the PS2. Admittedly, we're somewhat close to extreme immersion video games with VR arenas popping up all over the world, but something "Matrix" style won't be around for at least 50 years. We've just begun to see the emergence of twitch streaming where people literally make money playing video games , so streaming has a long way to go first before we can see something close to full immersion. But for now, I think we can fill in some of the gaps to see where the future of gaming might head. The Future is Definitely About Diversity I think it took the 2010s for people to recognize that gaming wasn't just about white guys doing their thing. With the rise of social media, people became a little bit more "internet aware." I think that was the biggest "fas...

Initial Impressions of Amazon's Luna, a Cloud-Based Game Streaming Service

 A lot of you who follow my content are familiar with how I'm an absolute geek over cloud-based game streaming services like Stadia, and so Amazon's Luna was a welcome competitive answer to it. I've been trying the service over the past few days and I have some initial impressions about it. Initial Impressions of Amazon Luna Positives Right off the bat, I think that Luna has a much stronger user interface than Stadia. Google's streaming service was originally marred by very large game icons that seemed to compensate for the lack of titles on the platform's launch. That's not to say Luna is much better; it's still an image grid, but it seems a little more aesthetic because the images are more panoramic  than card-like . It's a small gripe, but we're dealing with entertainment here and some people get extremely picky about UI. Card-like images don't do well for the games on Stadia. I'd expect Luna to soon have a search bar just like Stadia does...