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Showing posts from December, 2019

How to Tell if Someone is Viewbotting (and other malicious things)

There's an aspect of livestreaming video games that gets under my skin a bit. Viewbotting. A lot of streamers have done it in the past. In fact, I once caught someone viewbotting and looked at who the bots were "following." A laundry list of very familiar names showed up, many partnered accounts on Twitch with millions of followers. Well-known streamers making a living. It's definitely abused a lot on streaming platforms, sort of the "black hat" method of livestreaming. Thankfully, nobody I saw listed from those bot accounts was any streamer that I was supporting. I don't bother supporting anyone trying to find "get partnership quick" methods. If you want to build a business out of streaming video games , then please don't bother viewbotting. You'll eventually find you wasted your money and your community will likely abandon you. However, if you feel that someone is viewbotting, here's a few ways you can tell someone is...

Is Streaming Worth it for the Money? (And Other Questions Answered)

An In-Depth Look into ROI on Videogame Streaming I'm certain a lot of people ask this question. S treaming video games is a weird thing--suddenly anyone can see you on camera, into your living room, while you're playing a video game. It's always important to figure out why you do what you do. If you're streaming for a business , best of luck to you. But there's a lot you need to consider if you're considering streaming for the money, because at this point in time it's become a heavily-saturated market--not just Twitch alone. In short, is streaming worth the money? No . The longer answer is a little more complicated, so if you'd like to learn some details, stick around. I'll preface this: this is not meant to discourage anyone from developing their business. Instead, this reveals the necessary work, efforts, and sacrifices you need to make.  Streaming for the Money Let me preface this: I will never stop streaming. The thought has cros...