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Re-signing up for the Twitch Affiliate Program and Twitch Schedule Changes

twitch affiliate program and twitch streaming and twitch schedule
For the past two and a half years, employment has been an unsteady situation for me. I was scared at times because I wasn't sure if I could actually make a living. Being torn between finding a career that fits your interests and settling in something that makes you a living isn't an easy position. I've faced it multiple times and have even changed interests over time. Originally, I was set on motion picture. Then I was set on a career in gaming. And now, I find myself making a living doing marketing--not dealing with subject matter I care about, but I enjoy the work and I get to come home to do what I want. It's a scary thing to realize that you don't have enough money to make rent and so you have to swallow your pride and do what you must in order to pull yourself out of the darkness. It's not fun. I used to go out almost nightly, hit bar after bar after bar until finally, I realized that way of living wasn't sustainable anymore. I had to scale back and recognize that I can't just throw a party every night.
And so I've refocused my efforts. I only stream now on the weekends. Plus, I've decided to drop streaming on Mixer. I made very little headway on that, and although I can still professionally polish myself by visiting channels every now and then on Mixer, the relationships I've made on Twitch are far too important to me. I'm re-submitting to the Twitch affiliate program when the dashboard gives me the green light. In addition, I'm going to this year's Twitchcon. The San Diego Twitchcon was, by many accounts, the absolute best out of all four TwitchCons, and I can't pass up another experience like this. Although I was able to stay at my own place for Long Beach, TwitchCon 2017 was draining--plus, I lost a brand-new 60 dollar battery block that would have charged my phone for the entire weekend. And then my car was towed. Lucky me.
With that, my schedule has now changed to Saturday and Sunday, 5 PM onward, except when I'm doing conventions or other events.
Thanks for being a part of my community. I don't draw as much of an audience as I used to, but the important thing is that I'm here to entertain and be entertained. I think I've done both for a lot of people. Feel free to email me if you'd like to talk about this more, or catch me as a Twitch affiliate on my stream.
See you, space cowboy.

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