Back when I worked in retail, I remember that my Xbox 360 red ringed at some point after playing Mass Effect. It's one of the reasons I never finished the series, and so it left a sour taste in my mouth. I lamented that to a co-worker while I worked in a tech shop.
"You want another 360?"
"Shake on it!"
I reached out my hand—a little nervous—and shook, presumably to a fate that I would regret.
"Bring a hundred and fifty tomorrow. Bring it."
I don't think I've ever remembered something so strongly in my life.
The next day, I remember walking out to the middle of the parking lot at work to a near-destroyed car that somehow still operated. I shook the hand of Mr. Smiley, as I nicknamed him, and felt a sense of overwhelming dread.
Cyanide and Happiness has their own version of a BR game, one that's a lot more simplistic and fun than what you might have tried in the past. Plus, there's not really much of a communication aspect to the game and so most of your time can be spent focusing on making some funny entertainment for your viewers if you're going to stream it. Plus, a lot of the humor from the comic carries over. You can add boobs to your character, a...dong...and customize your character with mustaches, foppy hairdos, or a combination of facial hair, boobs, and dongs, which goes into scary territory about who the people that are left behind really are.
But anyways, I bought the Xbox 360. Mr. Smiley got back in his completely beaten-up car just after telling me "You never saw me!"